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  1. Penny Bell - Master of Counselling, Grad Dip Counselling, Adv. Dip. Counselling & Family Therapy, M. College of Clinical Counsellors ACA, M. College of Supervisors ACA, Reg. Supervisor CCAA.
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    How do I get rid of my guilt feelings? answered 11 years ago
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    Frustrated Teenager answered 11 years ago
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    Depression and neurofeedback answered 11 years ago
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    Depressed Daughter Doesn't Listen to Mom answered 11 years ago
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    Sleep: Quality versus Quantity answered 11 years ago
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    Trauma & Letting Go answered 11 years ago
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    Cure for Workaholism answered 12 years ago
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    Making a Change answered 11 years ago
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    Repairing my brain answered 11 years ago
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    Fear of Commitment answered 12 years ago
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    Opening a Sober Living House answered 10 years ago
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    What should I write about in my journal? answered 11 years ago
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    May be more than just the doldrums answered 12 years ago
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    Getting organized regardless of diagnosis answered 12 years ago

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