About Choose Help


There is a growing need for addiction treatment, counseling and sober companionship across the United States, and indeed the whole world. At ChooseHelp.com, we have made it our mission to facilitate the journey of rehabilitation when the cycle of despair becomes the circle of hope. 

You Don't Have to Be Alone in Addiction

Addiction affects people from all walks of life and all age groups. Addiction can happen to any family and at any time. It can be intimidating and overwhelming to identify an addiction and even harder to admit when there is a problem.

Substance use disorders (SUD) are common, recurrent, and often serious, but they are treatable and many people do recover.

There are many considerations for treatment. However, it starts with recognizing a need and then seeking professional help. It is the first step on your road to recovery. You should always seek professional treatment – detox from alcohol and prescription drugs can be dangerous and may require medical treatment throughout the process.

You are not alone on this journey. There are people, organizations and various levels of care available, often nearby, to assist you. It is going to take all of us!


Help Starts Here!

Getting help is a sign of strength; and ChooseHelp.com is a resource designed to support you on your journey!

Although recovery can be difficult, with accurate information people can make effective decisions and find themselves suitable treatment.

 it starts with recognizing a need and then seeking professional help. You should always seek professional treatment – detox from alcohol and prescription drugs can be dangerous and may require medical treatment throughout the process.

On ChooseHelp.com, professional counselors and licensed treatment providers offer information and help to people affected by addiction.

Our helpline is a free, confidential information and referral service that connects people across the United States to local and out-of-state addiction treatment services. The call centers are operated by selected partners and operate nationwide. Our call routing is dependent on factors like your area code, as well as the time and day of your call.

We are here for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our specialists are trained and friendly; they know we all need help sometimes. If you wish to contact specific providers you can browse our directory or use our Treatment Locator search forms.


Access to Treatment

Choose Help encourages those in need of treatment to take a courageous step towards better health.

Deciding to get help is never a decision to be taken lightly – and once the decision is made, the options can seem overwhelming. Choose Help endeavors to assist those ready for help to find quality and appropriate treatment.

To offer direct access to licensed and accredited treatment services nationwide, Choose Help partners with state-licensed and respected addiction and mental health care providers.

People in need of assistance may call our helpline staffed by selected treatment providers who happily answer caller questions and when warranted, suggest treatment solutions they offer. Calls are without obligation.

If you wish to contact specific providers you can browse our directory or use our “Treatment Locator” search forms. Another way to find suitable treatment is to call the number on the back of your insurance card, contact your state’s behavioral health department or visit the government’s nationwide service SAMHSA who can also be reached on 1-800-662-HELP (4357).


Facility Listings

Our directory of rehab facilities comprises both sponsored and free listings. All facilities have been manually reviewed.

Choose Help features profiles from some of the biggest and most well respected rehab providers in the United States. Some of these listings are paid for, but we've made sure that our directory is a healthy cross section of treatment facilities for all financial situations and needs with plenty of charitable organizations listed.


Online Experts

In our Expert Q & A section, you can ask questions directly to licensed counselors and clinicians across the country. The Expert Q & A service is free of charge. Detailed profile pages for each expert allow you to get to know them further.


Our Sources of Funding

Choose Help's primary source of revenue is from advertising and featured location listings.

We are against deceptive and unfair marketing practices, which are commonplace in our industry, and instead aim to offer genuine value and hope to our site visitors.


Ownership and History

Choose Help is independently owned by SCHOELCO, an international online publisher based in Berlin, Germany.

The website was first launched in 2007 and has grown into a select and popular addiction treatment and mental health resource. 


Customer Support »

Make sure to visit our Helpdesk for any questions or issues you may have.


Disclaimer »

If you or a loved one needs healing then we want you to get better. To the best of our knowledge all information contained within ChooseHelp.com is accurate, unbiased and factual; but information from our web site should never substitute for professional advice and consultation. Mental health care can be very complex. We cannot be held responsible for any actions you take. Before making any medical or health care decision you should consult with a doctor or other medical professional.

Read the full DISCLAIMER »


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