Ken Sneed

Ken Sneed

Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Signed Up:
13 years ago
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Life Is Worth Living Because...
“God has a purpose for everyone who seeks to find their purpose in His creation.”
My Story
“As a Youth Minister for over 25 years I developed a concern for family relationships and began counseling classes at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA to be more effective in my ministry. No one was more surprised than I when God used circumstances to move me into full-time counseling!

I currently enjoy being contracted with the Baton Rouge Christian Counseling Center, an affiliation I've had for 10+ years. I am licensed as a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist.

Qualifications beyond an MA at LSU and an MDiv at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary include 43+ years of marriage to a wonderful woman who's helped me learn what marriage is about. A great result of that relationship is two adult children who have families of their own.”
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Ken Sneed's Most Recent Activity on Choose Help

  • 1
    12:46 - Jul 22, 2013 Prayer is Not a Tallisman

    Do you know of a recovery prayer I could use for a group of interfaith retreat guests including some who would not classify themselves as believers of any type of higher power? These people are all in recovery from alcoholism or drug addiction or ...

  • 2
    12:45 - Jul 22, 2013 Addiction, Recovery and Faith

    Ive been asked to share about how Christianity and recovery comes together in my life. I only have 20 minutes and need to reach the addict who still suffers (and possibly non/believer). What keynotes should I be sure to include?

  • 3
    02:38 - Jun 29, 2013 "Finding" Jesus Isn't The Problem . . . .

    What does it mean to find Jesus? Is it like a sudden revelation or a sudden understanding? What does it feel like? Is it a process or an all of a sudden thing? Do you have to find some sign that convinces you? Is there anything a person is supposed ...

  • 4
    01:37 - Apr 09, 2013 God Gets Blamed for a LOT!

    I am alcoholic that is trying to stop drinking. I am not doing very well. I go to meetings and I keep hearing this guy say by the grace of god I didn’t have a drink today. Does this mean by the grace of god I did get wasted and miss my son’s ...

  • 5
    12:44 - Apr 03, 2013 The Little Black Book

    Can you recommend an inspirational and helpful book on beating alcoholism for a person struggling with alcoholism that is going to a lot of 12 steps meetings? I am not looking for just inspirational sayings or meditations. I want a book that offers ...

  • 6
    05:31 - Jul 03, 2012 May be more than just the doldrums

    I feel like I haven’t really cared about anything or anyone for a long time. I didn’t always used to feel this way and I am tired of feeling so dead inside. I think I’d rather feel bad than feel nothing. How do I stop feeling so detached from the ...

  • 7
    12:10 - Apr 15, 2012 Christian vs. Secular Recovery

    I work in the field of recovery and it appears to me that results from Christian treatment surpass the recovery merry go round rates of secular recovery. Are there studies which support Christian versus Secular treatment?

  • 8
    12:33 - Mar 11, 2012 PROBLEMS -- Would you rather be stuck or begin feeling better?

    Is it normal to be afraid of trying therapy? I am kind of nervous about opening up to anyone but I’m also really worried that if therapy doesn’t make me feel better then I’ll really feel hopeless. It’s like right now I am holding off so just in case ...

  • 9
    02:31 - Mar 02, 2012 Who's Responsible for Your Use & Abuse of Drugs?

    Went to my first court ordered drug treatment meeting this week. I was in a room with a bunch of other guys who were way harder drug users than I am and all of them were there because they were sentenced to be there. A few of them seemed serious ...

  • 10
    01:05 - Jan 27, 2012 Making Amends Critical for Addictions

    Over the past year I have probably stolen almost ten thousand dollars from my dad’s company. I have a gambling problem that I am trying to get under control. I feel so terrible because the company isn’t doing that well and they just had to let one ...

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