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    Does Smoking Pot Make You Lazy? answered 12 years ago
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    Healing America answered 11 years ago
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    Mom Needs to Go to a Nursing Home answered 12 years ago
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    Appropriate To Give Money To Homeless People? answered 12 years ago
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    Yes Reach Out answered 10 years ago
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    At what age is it ok for children to drink energy drinks? answered 12 years ago
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    It's Your Life answered 11 years ago
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    Safe drinking? answered 12 years ago
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    Will E-Cigarettes help me control my weight? answered 10 years ago
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    Sober Living House Neighbor Nightmare answered 10 years ago
  11. Latest Q & A Reply
    I saw my neighbor share a joint with his 14 year old son. answered 12 years ago
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    Professional Help is Required in Dealing with Impulse Control answered 11 years ago
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    Threatening Suicide answered 12 years ago
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    Marijuana and Brain Death answered 13 years ago
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    Recovering Addicts Make Huge Contributions as Counselors answered 12 years ago

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