4 Months of High-Dose Opiate Use Ups Erectile Dysfunction Risk by 50%
Here’s one very compelling reason to quit opiates sooner rather than later.
(0)The overwhelming majority of those who abuse opiates or become addicted get the medications from friends or family and have previously used drugs, such as cocaine.
(0)Addiction Recovery and the Corona Crisis
The absence of in person addiction recovery services and 12 -Step meetings puts us at heightened levels of risk and anxiety. Let’s explore some options.
(0)'Flat Tummy' Fury
At a time when there seems to be more of an emphasis on female empowerment than ever before, messages of shame related to body size still permeate our culture.
(0)A study which proves that it is never too late to quit drinking shows that even severely brain damaged alcoholics (who suffer balance and walking problems from their neural deficits) will recover much balance and motor function in time.