Therapies to Get Past Traumas

Loren Gelberg-Goff Says...
I am so sorry for this experience in your life... EMDR has been shown to help people get past trauma as has EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Deciding what therapy is best often depends on what symptoms you are having since that traumatic event. Anxiety, panic, nightmares, etc... If you haven't spoken with a therapist yet, that might also be a good place to start to really assess the best intervention... Hypnotherapy can also be effective. You have options, as long as your goal is to take back your power. Neurofeedback can also be very helpful in overcoming the stress/anxiety reactions that your body and mind are experiencing.
I hope that these suggestions are helpful to you. I wish you success in overcoming this trauma. Loren (
Page last updated Jul 03, 2012