Adolescence and marijuana

Jim LaPierre Says...
Hi there and thank you for writing to me! I would encourage you to talk openly and honestly with your son about marijuana. For many adolecents, marijuana use can be a sign that something is amiss - but perhaps not in the way you might think. Many folks use marijuana to medicate anxiety, Attention Deficit Disorder, and depression. I would encourage you to talk with him about the benefits he experiences from use and discuss different ioptions for getting his needs met.
A lot of what you're describing is what most would call normative teenage behavior. I do not excuse or condone your son breaking your rules for the family. I do want to share with you that what you've described does not set off red flags for me as an addictions counselor nor as a father of two healthy adults.
I love that you're concerned - it shows how much you care. Please share that with your son and see what's possible. Please write to me if I can answer questions or be helpful.
Page last updated Nov 27, 2017