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PTSD Presents in Many Forms

  • Wildlilly Asks ...

    I have a child one month from 16, female believes she was born in the wrong body, should have been a boy. Has never been able to form friendships unless online. Always depressed diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD, very smart but exhibits some autistic symptoms soon to be tested. Genetic testing done with no abnormal findings. Trauma brain testing just dome. She was born with bi-lateral cleft pallet which is in process of being corrected but has been halted surgeries because of her emotional state until she is stabilized. The school and local mental health facility whom failed in motivating her to engage in any group or individual talk therapy and after fighting with them has agreed that residential treatment is needed. I would like to know what recommendation you may have for treatment in New England.

  • Jim LaPierre Says ...
    Jim LaPierre

    Thank you for reaching out and seeking support. My experience is that PTSD often presents with many of the same symptoms and presentations of a person living with a developmental disorder like Autism. Traumatic Brain Injury seems very unlikely given what you've described. Gender Identity seems very much at the forefront and there are a myriad of challenges in treating PTSD. I am not able to recommend a specific treatment center - I'm familiar with forms of treatment but am not aware of which treatment center achieves the best results. The expert I recommend on all things relating to trauma is Michelle Rosenthal and I recommend contacting her through her site: healmyptsd.com I am happy to answer other questions or concerns as I am able. Blessed be, Jim LaPierre

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