Blocking Out Dreams Doesn't Solve the Problem

Dr. Shirley Schaye Says...
I do not know of any pill but I should say that I am not a medical doctor so cannot give you an answer to this question. Perhaps someone who is a medical doctor would be able to answer this question.
However, before I bow out I would like to ask you why you don't want to dream at night? Dreaming is a natural phase of sleep. If you are having dreams that you find disturbing there are people who are trained to help you with them. A psychoanalyst can certainly help you with your dreams. I am a psychoanalyst and Dream Interpretation is a big part of our training. If it is disturbing dreams that you are having blocking them out with a pill won't resolve the root of the problem.
So I hope you think through your question again and find the right source for the answer you are seeking.
Dr. Shirley Schaye
Page last updated Jun 18, 2012