No Shortcuts to Recovery
Comments (2)
Jim LaPierre Says...
Thanks for your question. It can be confusing to make sense of differing treatments and clinical "experts" who disagree. I suppose I could give a professional response regarding the work of Dr. Peele that does not include words like "quack" or "snake oil salesman" but that feels like a disservice to you and disingenuous to me.
The American Medical Association recognizes addiction as a disease. To me, that should settle any question folks have.
Diseases like addiction are NEVER cured (much less in 8 weeks as Dr Peele promises). Remission and long term recovery are options. Being "cured" isn't.
It's very tempting to believe that shortcuts are possible but the truth is Recovery is a lot of work. My biased opinion is that the real experts on addiction are NA and AA (and this from a professional who has never experienced an addiction other than caffeine and nicotine). I wish you luck and I urge you to avoid anyone who claims to have a "cure."
Page last updated Jul 22, 2016