Laced Marijuana Can Lead to a Bad Trip

Ever since then I feel really weird, like I am in the world but not quite in the world, like things are fuzzy or warped or something. Like I am in another dimension and I can see and hear everything and even participate but that I am not quite living in the same place as every one else. People talk to me and it sounds weird and it’s almost like I am above it all and watching it happen but that’s not quite right exactly either. It is almost like as acid trip but without the cool hallucinations or good feelings. This is quite unpleasant and I feel like I can’t connect with anyone anymore. I can barely talk to my girlfriend. She knows something is wrong with me but I can’t explain it to her as talking to her normally is quite challenging at the moment.
What is going on with me?
Delisted Expert Says...
First, let me say that I am very sorry that you are suffering from this recent incident. The problem with buying or smoking marijuana is similar to the same dilemma we face we buy our food. We don’t know what is in our food unless we know the farmer. We don’t know what is in marijuana without knowing the grower and distributor. The first concern that I have is your decision to smoke marijuana with people you did not know or have “trust” with. Secondly, you chose to smoke “something” you thought was marijuana, but was not straight marijuana as you can tell.
Having worked with marijuana users and dealers for years, I can attest that a lot of marijuana is treated or laced. For example, marijuana which has been soaked in formaldehyde and/or PCP, is known for its intense high and rush. More information about this can be found at: As you are finding out, the damage from smoking tainted marijuana like this can be enormous.
So you can see that one of the dangers of smoking marijuana is that you can smoke laced marijuana, unknowingly. Marijuana also can be laced with cocaine or crack or codeine. For more information on lacing marijuana with cocaine or crack, please go to this website:
I don’t know how long you have been in this altered and uncomfortable state. However, if it continues, I would seek competent medical attention; particularly with a physician who has experience treating substance abuse patients. Most emergency room physicians or doctors who treat addicts are familiar with your type of drug reaction.
I think it was courageous of you to reach out for professional advice. Please know that I wish you every success and a renewed sense of well-being. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
John W. O’Neal, Ed.S, MSW, MA, LPC, NCC
Page last updated Mar 05, 2012