Heroin: How addictive is it?

Jennifer Hamilton Says...
Your boyfriend is either extremely misinformed or lying to you. Does what he told you even make sense if you think of it logically? What makes a substance "addictive"? Does that change based on how it is used? Heroin use has spread to people who would normally never have become addicted to it BECAUSE they now are able to make a "cleaner" version that can be snorted. Drug users who would not have been willing to inject the drug become hooked by snorting it and eventually, as a natural progression of the addiction, begin to inject it. It is an extremely addictive opiate that produces euphoria when used and after physical dependence sets in (it can happen very quickly) severe physical illness when you try to stop. Not to mention the psychological dependence of wanting to do something more and more that feels that good. PLEASE do not ruin your life. Please ask yourself if this is what you want for your life. Many people are unable to quit this drug once they start. They end up using a drug to take the place of this drug that allows them to function more normally in society such as Methadone or Suboxone. These meds are expensive and many people have to stay on them for life. It is also easy to overdose and die on this drug.
Page last updated Mar 20, 2012