Habit Reversal Therapy
07:21 PM EST, Mon July 30, 2012
filed under:
Habit Reversal Therapy
Self Harm

Is habit reversal therapy the best approach to take for skin picking? Is there any need for me to work with a professional on this or should I just read up on the habit reversal and try it on my own?
Dr. Lani Chin Says...
Habit reversal therapy can certainly be done on your own, but you may see only short term effects. Doing more long term work with a psychotherapist will definitely yield more long term effects. Specifically talking with a therapist about what is motivating your self injury so that you can address the root of the problem will be a lot more effective. If you are in the Los Angeles area, I would be happy to help you: www.drlanichin.com. If you are not I would strongly recommend you see a professional who can guide you through your recovery. Good luck.
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Page last updated Jul 31, 2012