NOS - Great Beverage, Lousy Diagnosis

Jim LaPierre Says...
Hi there and thank you for your question. Please know that eating disorders occur in people of eery shape and size. Regardless of how we see ourselves (and our perceptions are often skewed by strong negative emotions) having an eating disorder is more about how we nurture our bodies and seeking control in a very unhealthy manner.
I cringe whenever I see a diagnosis of NOS - Not Otherwise Specified. What NOS often means in reality is "we're not sure." I encourage you to look less in the mirror and more at your life. What's working? What isn't? What do you need beyond your desire to lose a few more pounds?
Please seek feedback from loved ones - people that you trust and know to be healthy. Relying on your own perception may be problematic at this point. Please consider respected sources on what caloric intake is considered healthy. Then step back and ask yourself why that number on the scale is so important?
For far too many of us, when we look in the mirror all we see are faults. Please consider the whole person and ask yourself how can I be healthier? Good luck to you.
Page last updated Sep 16, 2013