Lifting seratonin levels

Jill Edwards Says...
Is there any risk to trying natural 5-HTP? I don’t think I am depressed but I do not feel very happy or energetic anymore and I think I have been in a bit of a funk for a while. Is there any way for me to know if my serotonin levels are too low and if I might benefit from a supplement?
I will first of all be really honest with you and let you know that I am not an expert in the use of 5-HTP. I do though listen carefully to what people say about themselves and you tell me you are not happy or energetic any more and you are not getting on with things (been in a bit of a funk) . I think anyone would be a bit concerned about this and you are naturally looking for solutions.
My suggestion to you is that you look to the basics first. So, make sure you have enough exercise for your age and stage in life. Half an hour’s walking is a good minimum and you may be in to a lot more.
Look at what you are eating, make sure that you have a good balance of protein (meat, eggs, beans) and carbohydrates (about the same amount), then fill the plate up with vegetables cooked or raw. Add some fruit and see whether regularly keeping away from fast foods does not increase your energetic self.
Look at your sleep patterns. Get a regular time for sleep and waking. Try some relaxation tapes at night if necessary, or use them in the day if you are feeling at all anxious.
Then, do some looking at where you are in life, are you going in a direction you want to go in. People often shut down when there is something they do not want to face, so relationship issue they are not dealing with, some employment they do not like. So have a look at that, if you can make some decisions to change it. You may like to get some counseling if the decision is complex.
If you have a friend you can depend on, talk to them about your general directions in life and see if the two of you can see where the flow of your life has become a bit blocked. Get on with something new.
If none of these things work, then talk to your doctor.
If in the mean time you want to research HTP5, it may be of interest to you, but for myself, I believe in getting on with the life we have as a good solution for most people, unless there is severe depression.
Page last updated Dec 11, 2012