There are Many Personality/Career Tests to Help Set You In The Right Direction

Dr. Shirley Schaye Says...
I am glad to help you step in the right direction. There are several tests that you can take that will help you determine where you belong and will help in setting you along the right path that will fit your personality and interests., for example, is a place for searching for a job, has a whole set of tests that you can take to see where you fit.
There is another link to a website where you can take several tests right online to explore your fit:
Check out these two sites. If you want to explore more go to the link below which will bring you to several more sites. I am sure after spending some time taking these tests you will find your niche and will know which direction to take and whether you should go back to school or get into the job market. You will know after taking the time to explore everything listed here.
If there is anything I may help you with after you have taken many of these tests, please know that I am here for you.
I wish you well.
Dr. Shirley Schaye
Page last updated Sep 28, 2012