You need an In-Person Consultation with a therapist for someone to do a Proper Diagnosis

Dr. Shirley Schaye Says...
I am sorry to hear how you are feeling. Since you live in a safe part of town we can assume that this fear is not a reality, as you, yourself, have pointed out. I don't know anything about you or your family history to enable me to determine why this is happening. I can say this, though. Any well trained therapist who saw you in-person would be able to help you, not only get to the root of why you are feeling the way you are about your safety, but if you stayed in therapy the therapist would be able to help you work this through. I would be very glad to help you find a therapist with the right kind of training to help you with this if you give me your city and zip code.
Dr. Shirley Schaye
Page last updated Nov 07, 2012