Social Phobia: You don't have to be alone --- Help is out there!

Some of the people at my work are just huge A-holes but I can see that some of the problem is mine. I am really tired of being alone all the time and I am really trying to do better. How can I break free from this negative cycle I am in, especially since everyone here already thinks I am this angry loser?
Dr. Shirley Schaye Says...
I am so very sorry to hear about the problems that you are experiencing. Let's separate these issues. I understand what you are saying about the people at work and that you believe that often they are talking about you and so it isn't always that you are being paranoid. Well that doesn't matter! Given that you feel the way you do you need to get help by entering therapy to work out your issues because even if they are being a**holes, you need to work on yourself so that if you enter a different place --- other social places or even other work you don't want to recreate the same pattern. Going to therapy will help you work through your social phobia and help you work on why you have no friends. You don't need to suffer with this all by yourself. The right kind of help is out there for you. If you let me know your city, state and zip code I'll be happy to find the right kind of therapist for you. So if you want to break free from this cycle get yourself into therapy. It will make an enormous difference.
Page last updated Apr 15, 2012