Help a Heavy Drinker Stay Healthier
Comments (1)
Anna Deeds Says...
Thank you for your question. You are right to realize you cannot make a person quit drinking. Your partner would have to decide to stop. From your letter, it is clear your partner has no intention of quitting. There are somethings your partner can do to help minimize the damage from alcohol. However, your partner has to be willing to do them.
Any of the normal things a healthy non-drinker would do to stay healthier may help your partner live a little longer. This means drinking lots of water, having a healthy diet with proper nutrition, exercising, seeing a doctor for regular check-ups, and good dental hygiene. In addition, taking a multivitamin with folic acid may help. I included a link which explains why folic acid is important. If your partner is not willing to stop drinking, perhaps taking a day off from drinking on a regular basis like once a week would help his body heal from the excess of alcohol.
Another way you can help is to get support for the effect your partner's drinking has on you. Al-anon meetings can provide support for you and help you learn how to not enable your partner. Enabling is when you help a person continue an addiction, even if the help is unintentional. Examples of enabling include paying billings, giving the person money, calling them off work, etc. Enabling your partner will only make the drinking worse. People in the grips of an addiction need to experience the consequences of their addiction so they get to a point where they want to quit.
I hope this helps answer your question. Good luck.
Page last updated Jul 22, 2016