Freaked Out

Lita Perna Says...
The best way to ‘piece together who this guy is,’ is to ask him how bad his meth addiction was. Based on what you said, he seems willing to open up to you.
There is no exact determination about how long it takes to develop Meth Mouth. Many factors are involved including his oral hygiene and what shape his teeth were in before he began to use.
Also, many 32 year olds have partials that have never used meth.
Are you ‘freaked ‘out by his partials or by his former meth use? Either one may be a reason for you to decide that this particular guy is not the right one for you.
This is a guy by your description who has been clean for over 18 months. He says he doesn't want to do meth again. He was honest with you.
Someone else may not be 'freaked out' by this man's past or his partial dentures. Someone else may be more understanding, be better for him and accept him as he is now.
Maybe it's best for you to take a pass on this guy.
Page last updated Mar 26, 2012