Meth Addiction and Treatment

Kelly Miller Says...
You are working on a meth addiction and that is tough to do. There is an old saying that we are only as sick as our secrets and sometimes it is OK to just be who you are with all of the circumstances that comes with your life. I have worked in many facilities and as a counselor I have always left it up to the client to decide what they want to put out there. I have also seen clients that divulge and others that have kept some things to them self.
Whatever you decide to do just remember to be open and do the work you need to do to move on from the life of meth. Being open to working on you and the reason that you turn to meth is something for you to discover while in treatment. Once you have discovered this you can then begin to build yourself up and learn that you are deserving of a life full of peace and recovery.
Page last updated Oct 26, 2011