Getting unstuck
11:51 AM EST, Tue May 21, 2013
filed under:
Narcotics Anonymous

I live with three people I don’t really like. I don’t really have any other place I can afford. And they are also pretty much my only friends. I thought I liked them and I thought my life was pretty good but then I stopped smoking weed a couple of weeks ago and my friends did not and now that I am looking at things with a clear head (I was wake and bake and then go all day for 8 years – no job I am on disability) I can see that we are all losers and the only thing we really have in common is getting high all the time. It turns out that when you’re not high, playing video games and looking at porn all day don’t really add up to a satisfying existence. Now the problem is it is so depressing that the only thing I can think to do is get high. When you have no friends and no money and no skills and no social skills and aren’t good looking or interesting and disabled and not real mobile…how can you even start changing your life? I feel stuck and if I don’t get unstuck soon I know I am going to go back to my old ways. What should I do?
Andrew Nichols Says...
1. Do you have any family to reach out to, even for a short time?
2. Get in touch with a local chapter of Narcotics Anonymous ( and start meeting people who are working at the changes you are...they may also know of resources you can use.
3. Consider visiting your local health department. If you have disability benefits, you may also be able to get psychiatric care. There are medications that can help as your brain learns to give up pot.
4. Consider using melatonin to help with sleep. It's an herbal remedy that stimulates your brain's natural sleep mechanism.
Good luck!
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Page last updated May 21, 2013