Waiting Won't Make You Feel Better

Dr. Arthur Trotzky Says...
Waiting is not the answer to feeling better. You need to do something about what you are feeling and thinking now that you are without the chemical making you feel good. The problem with cannabis is that it makes one feel pretty good so that person will continue to use to continue to feel good. Unfortunately, with most chemical users and especially those who have addictive disease, the amounts, substances and/or behaviors will increase and the desire to stop will begin to be felt. Just as in your situation, when you stop, something is missing so one returns to the quick fix. I would suggest you find a good therapist so you can find out what is making you unhappy and in what direction you may want to go to make your life meaningful and happy. Toking on a blunt is no longer the goal of life. There are many other options.
Page last updated Oct 03, 2013