Having Sex with over 140 people is not Normal

Dr. Shirley Schaye Says...
I am very sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I do want to steer you in the right direction so that you may get the help you need. Of course, having sex makes you feel better. It's something that makes everyone feel better ( if they are normal). However, what we need to focus on is that all you are having is sex with no caring or loving or emotional intimacy. So it would be great to have sex as often as you do, but I would like to see you having sex with someone that you have emotional intimacy with, as well. You certainly, I wouldn't think, want to spend your life continuing along the path you are going in. Let me ask you --- have you ever explored this problem with anyone? You certainly can turn this around --- i.e., continuing to have sex BUT with somebody who cares about you --- not with somebody who is merely a f**k buddy. If you tell me your city, state and zip code, I will find a therapist for you who will helpyou turn this problem around. You, of course, don't need to give me your address but just where you are so I can find someone near you. Also, let me know if you need someone at low cost or not or if you have insurance indicate what insurance you have.
I wish you well and await your response.
Dr. Shirley Schaye
Page last updated Apr 07, 2012