Alanon & The family

Jennifer Hamilton Says...
Your daughter may be taking the "if you can't beat him, join him" path. I recommend you find a good Al-anon meeting in your area, call the Alcoholics Anonymous number in your phone book and ask for meeting times and places. Al-anon is for the family members of alcoholics.
You need to understand how to help and not to enable. Sometimes your family member does reject your help. It may be beneficial to attempt to heal the relationship between you, your husband and your daughter so that when her marriage begins to have problems, she will turn to you. As things stand now, she will probably not do so. It can be hard to watch your child make what you see as a mistake.
Just know that sometimes God (or your higher power) has a bigger plan in all of it. If you pray, pray for your daughter and her husband. Attempt to make amends when possible. Either keep quiet about what you think or cut her off if you can't stand to watch it. If you cut her off, know that she may have to fall very hard before she will ever come to you. There is no perfect answer to this.
You may also want to work with a counselor in your area who is familiar with addiction so they can guide you step by step.
Best wishes.
Page last updated Apr 10, 2013