Denial and Powerlessness

Jim LaPierre Says...
I applaud you for your concern and from what you've shared with me you are wise to be concerned. Mixing alcohol with medications is always potentially dangerous and drug interactions can occur. Unfortunately, what your sister is doing is legal (based on what you've shared with me) and the only way I could see to intervene would be to involve the rest of the family. Sharing your concerns with family is what I would advise - it's too easy to pretend that this isn't happening. Your sister is unlikely to see herself as "addicted" or an "addict" yet if she is taking pain killers that are opiates then any person taking these long term will become "dependent" upon them as our bodies simply adjust to having them in our systems. I encourage you to share your concerns very candidly (walking on eggshells never works). Even if she were willing to have a conversation with her doctor about mixing meds and alcohol that would be a step in the right direction. Good luck and blessed be.
Page last updated Dec 28, 2012