A concerned spouse: Wife has depression

Meryl DeLena Says...
It is so nice you are so concerned. I think it's important to understand what is the cause of her depression? There may be something more specific you can look for rather than just any self help book. And you're right. The question is will she be receptive to it, or feel insulted? Does she ususally welcome your help? I always recommend therapy and giving it more than one try with different therapists until you make a connection. The relationship has to be positive for her so it can be healing. However, if she is interested in reading something go to Amazon.com and search for Self help or depression. Do it together and have her read some of the introductions to see what grabs her. That's the thing with self help. I tell patients to go to a Book store, grab a coffee, sit on the floor and skim the book types you're looking for until it jumps out at you. Then you know you will read it. WHat you like may not be what she likes...again their may be something specific to her depression. Encourage it as a project together....she may like that.
Good Luck...Meryl
Page last updated Mar 26, 2012