
A mindful sober subculture is emerging, indicating that we’re seeking out deeper, more meaningful connections to others. Full Story
Researchers say that people who navigate spirituality without religion are more likely to have addiction and mental health problems.
(3)Israeli scientists have developed a new strain of non intoxicating marijuana for use by medical marijuana patients.
(1)Even though people say mental illness would have a greater impact on quality of life, they’re not nearly as willing to pay to prevent it as they are to prevent physical illnesses.
(0)The CDC says the HIV infection rate among injection drug users has been reduced by half over the last 20 years. Health experts credit an increase in needle exchange programs for the reduction.
(0)Community elders say beer makers selling 4.9 million cans of beer to a town of 11 people right next to their reservation are complicit in an illegal smuggling operation into their dry community.
(0)Need more evidence for the sensibility of a mature minimum drinking age (21)? Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis say that women who grew up in states with lower legal minimum drinking ages were significantly more likely to fall victim to homicide or suicide over a lifetime.
(0)US military study shows that low Omega 3 levels are linked to an increased risk of suicide.
(0)OK, so we all know that spending a lot of time each day staring at a TV set is hardly conducive to excellent health, but just how bad is that couch potato lifestyle when it comes to affecting life expectancy?
(0)Researchers say that in societies of scarcity, religious people are happier than non religious people, but that in societies of abundance, religious and non religious people are about equally happy.
(0)Due to better health care in prison, reduced violent crime and less access to drugs and alcohol, a Black man in America is about half as likely to die while incarcerated as he is while free. This disturbing truth that was unearthed by researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill during a decade long study of inmates in the North Carolina criminal justice system.
(0)Some disturbing facts from a report from Trust for America’s Health, entitled ‘F as in Fat’ include that two thirds of American adults are now overweight and that 20 years ago, not a single state had an obesity rate above 15% - now every state does.
(0)Police say they found 10 black bears patrolling the fields of a marijuana plantation in B.C. Canada. The bears, they say, were paid in dog food for their security efforts.
(0)Researchers say that North America’s only safe injection facility, Vancouver’s Insite safe injection clinic, is responsible for reducing overdose deaths by 35% in one of Canada’s most addiction plagued neighborhoods.
(0)New Jersey prison authorities arrest 5 after uncovering a drug smuggling operation wherein Suboxone was mailed to prisoners - dissolved and painted onto the pages of children’s coloring books.
(0)To compensate for the long hours demanded by Silicon Valley start ups, many employers now offer free beer and wine on the job as a standard perk of employment.