Teenage Porn Addiction

Zelik Mintz Says...
It sounds like you have some of the symptoms of porn addiction. I usually ask people three questions in order to establish if behavior borders on addiction. The first is: Can you stop if you want to or control the behavior? It sounds like that is an issue for you with two or three hours passing looking at porn each night and loosing track of time. A second question is: Does it affect your functioning? Again, it seems to affect you being able to get up in the morning. The third is: Does it affect your relationships. Although you didn't state that this is a problem, pornography tends to cause unrealistic expectations with romantic relationships - getting used to sexual fantasies that women you meet cannot compete with. And the guilt and shame you feel about your use is another hallmark of addiction. You are quite young so I hesitate to label your porn use as an addiction. However, it is healthy that you are concerned. I would suggest finding support and addressing your porn use. I understand that might be difficult considering your age. Hopefully there is some kind of free anonymous program in your area that you can avail yourself of. The best of luck.
Page last updated May 25, 2014