Hitting Bottom
06:02 PM EST, Thu February 13, 2014
filed under:
Gambling Addiction

My brother in law brags about his sports betting but the strange things is that he and my sister have to live in a tiny apartment because they never have any money. What is up with that then? He claims to have a football betting system that can’t lose. He bets on every game every week and for each game he places multiple small bets like first half score and other things and then he doubles up on any bets he loses until he wins it and then he stops. It is a pretty smart system if you are willing to do the work but where he goes wrong is he never stops betting when he wins so the money never comes in. He won’t admit that he has a problem and he argues that it is like a scientific program. He has an answer for everything. My sister is getting really fed up with him. How can I make him admit or at least see that he has a gambling problem?
Donna Hunter Says...
Unfortunately too often the addict will not hear when we say they have a problem. I used to have a little poster depicting a guy running down the street with a big pointed finger shooting a lighting bolt behind him. It said We don't change when we see the light, we change when we feel the heat. It sounds lie he has not felt he consequences of his actions.
It might be helpful for your sister to contact Gam-anon. It is a 12 step program that is for people who are in relationships with problem gamblers. She could use some help and support as she deals with the addict in her life.
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Page last updated Feb 13, 2014