How Long a Lifetime Do You Want?

Dr. Mark Abrahams Says...
You have apparently come to a cross-road in life. Your body may not be sufficiently producing Aldehyde Dehydrogenases, a group of enzymes that are necessary to break down and metabolize ethyl alcohol. Your symptoms are probably commensurate with your degree of dependence. Severe perspiration (hyperhidrosis), occurring at night can be a harmless result of too many bed covers or too warm a room temperature, but based on your disclosure of alcohol consumption, it seems likely to be symptomatic of alcohol withdrawal. I've looked for a link that addresses your question: , however, the only way you will know if you have become symptomatic due to infection or dangerously compromised liver function, is to have a complete medical workup with an emphasis on liver enzymes. That means you need to make an appointment with a physician ASAP.
Page last updated Aug 20, 2014