Al-Anon, the Helpful Fellowship for Families

Dr. James Strawbridge Says...
Al-Anon has but one purpose: to help families and friends of alcoholics. It is non-professional. It does not counsel or advise its members nor does it endorse or affiliate with other agencies or organizations.
Since 1954, alcoholism has been recognized as a chronic, progressive disease. Alcoholism affects the mental, physical and spiritual being of the alcoholic and their families. Al-Anon has been in existence since 1951. Its meetings are held in 115 countries with thousands of members. All Al-Anon members have a variety of relationships with the alcoholic. Sometimes it is a parent, teen or adult child, spouse/partner, sibling, grandparent or friend. All members can offer and receive insight to recovery from the effects of this disease but it's not done in one meeting.
Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship for relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other in order to solve their common problems. Al-Anon is not an “I” Program. It is a “We” program. Alcoholism is a family disease and changed attitudes can aid your recovery with the help of Al-Anon's fellowship. If you don't find one or two groups that is of your liking, go to another group. However, it would be better to find one and stay there until you can come to grips with your own needs and express them to the group in order to gain some feedback helpful for you.
Page last updated Jul 13, 2012