Dr. Karl Benzio

Treatment Offered

Therapy Orientation:
Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), Psychodynamic, Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Coaching, Transpersonal, Eclectic, Existential, Other, Interpersonal
Age Focus:
Seniors, Teenagers, Adults
Anger Management, Divorce, Compulsive Disorders, OCD, Spirituality, Other, Domestic Abuse or Domestic Violence, Anxiety or Fears, ADHD, Finding Your Purpose in Life, Gay Lesbian Issues, Parenting, Women, Sex Therapy, Psychosis, Mood Disorders, Addiction or Substance Abuse, Chronic Pain or Illness, Loss or Grief, Dissociative Disorders, Life Coaching, Thinking Disorders, Trauma and PTSD, Personality Disorders, Impulse Control Disorders, Relationship Issues, Eating Disorders, Depression
Treatment Modality:
Couples, Individuals, Groups
Any Ethnicity
Sexual Orientation:
Any Orientation
Religious Beliefs:
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Life Is Worth Living Because...
“God has blessed me with so much, that out of gratitude, i want to serve Him with all i got, every day!.”
About My Work
“I am a psychiatrist, have a small but busy private practice, but founded and run a nonprofit organization, Lighthouse Network. We help people all over the country get addiction and mental health care. we also develop curriculum and resources for treatment programming and self growth. a unique and significant focus of our materials is the practical Christian perspective we bring that "heals the broken hearted and sets the captive free." it is a calling for us and we are blessed to be able to honor God with our service to those who need help.”
My Story
“God has blessed me to take my unique spiritual curriculum and philosophy to very troubled areas in Iraq, Uganda, Kenya, and Katrina relief efforts. i've given expert testimony to the President's Bioethics Committee, US Congress, and PA State Congress helping clarify controversial issues. i have played a powerful part in God transforming people's lives. But, i am a recovering alcoholic, actually addicted to control, and have been in jail for 6 counts of aggravated assault on police officers as well as other charges, all in the midst of medical school. So i have been on both ends of the treatment process, giving me a unique perspective. Now, i am thankful, but back then, i thought my life was over, until God made Himself, His grace, and His plan for me very clear to me while i was in jail. Otherwise, i am happily married to a woman who loves me unconditionally that i don't deserve and i have 3 great girls age 19,16, and 11. i love sports and believe everyone can get better because God's peace and grace are available for anyone, no matter how "bad" we are, because He was there for me.”
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Years in Practice: 20+ Years
Graduated from: UC-Irvine Psychiatry Residency
Year Graduated: 1993
Board Certification: Psychiatry

Remote Therapy

Phone Counseling: Yes
Online Counseling: Yes
Technologies: Skype, email

Please use the contact form on this page to find out more about the provider's remote therapy options

Cost & Payment Modalities

Avg Cost (session): greater than $150
Online Payments accepted: Yes

Please verify costs and payment modalities before you arrange your first visit

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