

tehran, Iran
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11 years ago
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Life Is Worth Living Because...
“i make music ”
My Story
“high dose heroin addict , joined NA , finally quit , besides some kind of none opiated natural medicine stayed clean for 10 years . had to go to US ,switched to methadone since it is legal through borders .in States i got involved with a girl and her cocaine addiction . back to Iran 1 year ago, back to drugs - Crystal Meth along with Methadone , , got my girl friend in into crystal , last 4 months i've reduced the use of crystal Meth ( for me i also reduced the Methadone ) . finally got my girl detoxed and into NA last week . need to get out myself , , at least out of Crystal Meth.
i am a music composer - an active working one , , i have lost my touch ,my creativity , , nothing sounds good anymore ,, i need many projects done well , , yet no more talent . .
can't stop the work , , can be off work only if it's an absolute necessity and only for a week , 10 days max .need to get back to where and what i was .”
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mus2do's Most Recent Activity on Choose Help

  • 1
    06:25 - Jul 11, 2013 Self-Control, NOT Control of Others

    I use methamphetamine and methadone (12 mil a day) every day, my wife recently quitted and is going to NA. She gets very angry at times and makes me angry too... I don't know how to control the situation. Could you please give me some suggestions

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