Find rehabs and addiction treatment in Hawaii

A tropical paradise, but also home to an undertow of drug and alcohol abuse, family violence and pain; Hawaii offers its share to the statistics of Americans enduring a chemical dependency. Hawaiians in need of care have several options, and although many of the best facilities will offer very high-quality care, for those without the means to fund a stay at a private rehab, Hawaii also provides drug and alcohol rehabs that will work with you to ensure services at a price that you can afford.

You can beat drug addiction or alcoholism, but you might need a little help. Drug rehab or drug treatment teaches you a new way, a way free from the pain and devastation of addiction. Find a drug rehab that feels right, that matches your beliefs and meets your needs - and start your recovery today. Get healthy and happy – get sober and feel better. Drug treatment works; if you work it.

For public addiction treatment funding and provider information, please contact the Hawaii Department of Health's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division on (808) 692-7506. For opioid-related assistance and crisis help, visit the Hawaii Opioid Initiative website or call (808) 832-3100.

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