Prescription Drugs Rehab Programs

Prescription medications destroy lives - if you let them. if you can’t control your use of opioids and if you can’t stop on your own, you need professional help right now.

Life Center Rehab Facility, VA
Wellness Resource Recovery Center, FL
Keystone Treatment Center, SD
Bayside Marin Luxury Rehab, CA
White Deer Run Recovery Centers, PA
Sierra Tucson Treatment Center, AZ
Bowling Green Treatment Center, PA
Blue Ridge Mountain Treatment Center, GA
Cascade Treatment Center, WA
Timberline Knolls Treatment Center, IL
Lakeland Treatment Center, MO
Options Treatment Center, IN
Lakeview Treatment Center, GA
Park Royal Hospital Treatment Center, FL
Riverview Treatment Center, AR
The Refuge Treatment Center, FL
Rebound Treatment Center, SC
Longleaf Treatment Center, LA
North Tampa Treatment Center, FL
Riverwoods Treatment Center, GA
Mirror Treatment Center, TN
Acadiana Treatment Center, LA

If you need help – you are not alone. The scale of prescription drug abuse has exploded over the past decade, and accidental drug overdoses are now the leading cause of injury-related death in America – surpassing even auto accidents. Humans just aren’t hard-wired to withstand the levels of opioids we’re being prescribed.

This is a life or death issue and every day you delay treatment is one more day you gamble with your health.  Make contact now and get started. You will never regret getting help.

Initiating treatment is the toughest step.

Finding Help

  • You need a program that takes full advantage of legitimate medications that can reduce your withdrawal symptoms and help you manage cravings over the long-term.
  • If you struggle with persistent pain, you need to learn effective pain management strategies beyond the use of addictive drugs.
  • Addiction is a medical issue, not a moral failing. Opioid medications hijack your brain’s reward and impulse control systems in ways that make it exceedingly difficult to control your intake. Fortunately, you can learn new skills that help you overcome the brain changes of addiction. You need  a compassionate and supportive environment to learn effective strategies that you’ll use every day to manage stress and cravings, while staying drug free for good.

Treatment is best when it matches your individual situation. You can find a treatment option that meets your needs and suits your lifestyle:

  1. Residential programs offer a complete break from temptation and the most intensive treatment and education. A rehab program lets you focus on building recovery without worrying about everything else in your life.
  2. Outpatient programs are a sensible first treatment step to try before a residential stay. Outpatient programs teach you skills that help you manage cravings and avoid relapse – and you can practice these skills in a real-world situation right away.  All opioid programs are more effective when combined with treatment medications.
  3. Medication management treatment (MMT) programs, such as with methadone or Suboxone, offer complete withdrawal symptoms and cravings relief. In an MMT program you can get counseling, rebuild your life, and then (if you decide to) start reducing your dose to an eventual goal of abstinence.

You have a choice – and with treatment, you can manage this situation and get your life back. Don’t risk your happiness, your health and even your life while putting off effective treatment that can help you retake control.

  • Brain Changes: Humans aren’t built to withstand chronic opioid therapy – it frequently causes brain changes that lead to addiction. These brain changes make recovery difficult. Fortunately, effective treatment medications can help you compensate.
  • Non-Opioid Pain Management: Effective treatment programs teach alternative strategies for pain management. Though transitioning from opioids can be difficult, studies show that in many cases, non-opioid interventions offer sufficient analgesia without all the side-effects.
  • Treatment Options: You need to find a program that matches your treatment needs. You have a range of options, from medication based programs, to outpatient programs (combined with medication) to residential treatment.

Page last updated Aug 09, 2014

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