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LA Police Looking Hard at Doctors Who Prescribed to Michael Jackson

posted 07:50 AM EST, Tue June 30, 2009
Michael Jackson Doctors Investigated © Photo Credit: Ulunam

While the toxicology reports have not yet revealed the cause of death, LA police seemingly believe that prescriptions drugs played at least a role in the incident, and have been interviewing doctors who supplied Jackson with his medications.

While everyone awaits the toxicology reports to learn, hopefully, what killed Michael Jackson, those that knew the singer will be surprised if the cause of death turns out to be anything but related to the cocktail of prescription drugs that he allegedly used, and had used for many years.

LA Police and Coroner officials removed bags of evidence on the day of Michael’s death from the 3 story rented Holmby Hills home that housed the tragic incident. Coroner’s officials returned to the death site on Monday, to remove additional evidence, which Assistant Chief Coroner, Ed Winter, revealed to waiting reporters, included medications. Coroners’ officials spent almost 3 hours searching the home and removed 2 large bags full of concealed evidence.

The Coroner’s office may be re-searching the home for medications on the prompting of the LA police, who are said to be interviewing LA doctors who prescribed various medications to the deceased singer.

Those close to Jackson have alluded to the singer’s ability to manipulate others for his own needs, particularly to feed what Jackson’s family have called, his pill "addiction"; and Hollywood insiders, such as Deepak Chopra, have railed against doctors who trade insider status for easy access to a prescription pad – calling these doctors “drug pushers…with a medical license.”

California is one of 38 states that participate in a diversion prevention prescription drug monitoring program – a program designed to spot doctor shopping and deny addicts the ability to manipulate the system. This monitoring program may well work for average citizens, but Hollywood royalty have shown tragically well how easily they can bypass the controls that limit the rest of us.

Investigators remain tight lipped about their intentions in interviewing the doctors that prescribed medications to the singer, but doctors found guilty of illegitimate prescribing practice can lose their medical licenses and can face state and federal charges as well.

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