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This short test was designed by Researchers at the University of Buffalo, Research Institute on Addictions. The test was originally designed, and is still used, as a screening test for pregnant women, but testing has revealed that this easy 5 question test works better than comparable alcohol screening tests for all women.

To score the test, give yourself 2 points for a yes answer in question 1 and question 2, and 1 point for a yes answer in any of questions 3-5. The maximum score possibly is a 7.

If you score a 2 or higher, you meet the criteria for likely harmful drinking, and you are recommended to submit to a further and more stringent medical evaluation.

The TWEAK Test

"T" - Tolerance: 

How many drinks can you hold >=6 drinks indicates tolerance.

"W" - Worried:

Have close friends or relatives worried or complained about your drinking in the past year?

"E" - Eye openers:

Do you sometimes take a drink in the morning when you first get up?

"A" - Amnesia:

Has a friend or family member ever told you about things you said or did while you were drinking that you could not remember?

"K" - Kut down:

Do you sometimes feel the need to cut down on your drinking?

Tests like the TWEAK test are great tools for medical professionals looking to find evidence of problem behaviors. They are not comprehensive enough to be used as a diagnostic tool for the determination of any disorder.

But if you score highly (over 2) and you felt worried enough about your drinking to take the test, then you likely do have something to worry about, and you should either try to stop drinking on your own, or get some help in doing so.

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Page last updated Sep 28, 2015

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