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Teen Rehab Programs

Teen Rehab Programs

10 Facilities

Twelve Oaks
Twelve Oaks
Timberline Knolls
Timberline Knolls


  • Teens Rarely See a Problem: Adolescents rarely self-recognize addiction and almost never ask for help on their own – it’s up to parents and loved-ones to intervene.
  • Early Intervention is Critical: Teens experience a quicker progression to addiction than adults, and substance abuse in adolescence can lead to lifelong consequences.
  • The Importance of Teen-Specific Treatment: Adolescent specific treatment is designed to help teens self-recognize their problems and stay engaged in the treatment process.


Teens can progress from experimentation to addiction much faster than adults. Early intervention and adolescent-specific treatment are essential.

Most teens experiment with drugs and alcohol, but some, especially those vulnerable to addiction, fall into trouble in a hurry.

And to make matters worse, for developmental reasons, adolescents rarely admit to addiction and almost never seek help on their own.

It’s up to parents to intervene and according to the National Institute on Drug Addiction, the earlier you intervene the better.

  • Drug and alcohol abuse does greater brain damage to teens than adults.
  • Teens who develop early substance use disorders are more likely to struggle with lifelong addiction challenges.
  • Teens who abuse drugs and alcohol during adolescence may not complete all the necessary developmental tasks of this life-stage.
  • Early drug and alcohol abuse can cause social, legal and academic problems and lifelong consequences.

So if an adolescent you love abuses drugs or alcohol, and you can’t get them to stop, you need to intervene quickly and find appropriate professional help.

Note – treatment doesn’t always – or even usually – mean rehab. In most cases, adolescent treatment occurs on an outpatient basis, with the teen client staying at home, with family.

Finding Quality Treatment

Beyond timely intervention, you also need to make sure you find quality adolescent-specific treatment.

  • Teens aren’t just mini-adults and treatment that works for adults won’t necessarily resonate with adolescents. You need to find an adolescent-specific program that’s designed to keep teens engaged in the process, that helps them self-recognize the problem and its consequences and that teaches them the essential skills they’ll need to survive, and thrive, as they grow into adulthood.
  • If early life or more recent traumatic experiences contribute to the problem, you also need to find trauma-sensitive care in a safe and supportive environment – confrontational or boot-camp style programs can actually worsen your child’s problems.

Make contact today to learn more about teen-specific treatment and take a first step now to helping your son or daughter escape the devastating negatives of drug or alcohol abuse and addiction.

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