Christian Drug & Alcohol Rehab Programs

Christ-centered treatment opens you to the healing power of God’s love. By combing the best of medical/clinical therapies with a comprehensive spiritual program you learn effective tools for relapse prevention and practical ways to live an honest Christian life, free from drug or alcohol addiction.

Cascade Treatment Center, WA
Timberline Knolls Treatment Center, IL
Lakeview Treatment Center, GA
The Refuge Treatment Center, FL
Mirror Treatment Center, TN

Who the Son sets free will be free indeed. John 8:36

You can’t fix a spiritual problem without a spiritual solution. Through prayer, fellowship and meditation, Christian rehab programs help you tear down the walls that separate you from God’s love and healing. With faith, all things are possible.

Reawaken to God’s light. Find peace when you put your trust in Him.

By combining the best of medical science with a firm Christian foundation, faith-based rehabs combine the education, physical healing and relapse prevention tools you need with the emotional and spiritual healing that’s only possible through Christ’s love.

In addition to medical/therapeutic activities, typical daily activities in a Christ–centered program include:

  • Prayer
  • Daily devotionals
  • Meditation
  • Bible study
  • Christian counseling
  • Faith-based recovery workshops
  • An introduction to the Christian 12 steps
  • Worship services

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

God’s simplest truths are all you need. Learn practical ways to bring the teachings of the Bible to your everyday life - and as you move closer to Christ, watch in amazement as all that’s been so wrong with your life, becomes right.

Rebuild a life of dignity and purpose. Serve God, your family and yourself by living a Christ-centered life. Make contact today to learn more about how Christ-centered treatment meets your physical, emotional and spiritual recovery needs.

  • The Christian 12 Steps: Gain an introduction to the power of Christ-centered community based support through Christian 12 step facilitation.
  • Christian Counseling: Heal emotional and spiritual problems, learn to correct deep-rooted negative habits and learn practical ways to live by God’s word in your everyday life.
  • Clinical Programming: Combine spiritually-based healing with a wide array of clinical therapies that help you rebuild your body and mind.

Page last updated Sep 16, 2014

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