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  • d9030889ac Asks ...

    I have no insurance no money and spent 50,000 dollars in the last 90 days on crack and other drugs/alcohol. I have not slept in 6 days and i have been looking for help the last 3 days. Nobody seems to want to help me and I cant get help locally. I really need to find a rehab/treatment center soon. i am suicidal and the only reason i haven't pulled the trigger is i have young children that need there dad. Please advise me as to what i can do?

  • John Lee Says ...
    John Lee

    You need to talk to a real person right now. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1 800 273 8255 to talk to a counselor in your area about how to get some help right away. You can also go to any hospital emergency room and tell then you're feeling suicidal and they will help you. If you can't get to an ER or if you need assistance with this, you can call 911, tell them you are feeling suicidal and they will bring you to the ER where they will help you. 

    By getting into contact with people who can help you, such as at the ER, you may also gain access to substance abuse programs that you aren't aware of at the moment.

    Please take care of your emergency needs first. Right now.


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