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Demi Lovato

Taking It Day by Day - Demi Lovato Talks Recovery from Cutting, Bipolar, Depression and Bulimia

posted 12:35 AM EST, Fri July 22, 2011

Disney star, 18 year old Demi Lovato, talks about her recovery from bulimia, bipolar, anorexia, depression and cutting.

After spending November through January in a treatment facility to deal with emotional, physical and psychological issues, the Disney singer and actor told reporters that she’s not completely recovered, saying, “This is an ongoing process and the hardest part about these diseases is that they're things that I'm going to have to face every day for the rest of my life. I'm going to mess up and I'm not going to be perfect, but as long as I try everyday to get better and better myself, then I'm one step ahead of where I was before.”

Lovato doesn’t blame her career as a child star for the emotional and mental health problems she’s experienced and says that other issues from her childhood are largely responsible - she also argues that her problems are hardly unique to the entertainment industry, saying, “Cutting has become so common with so many girls and in almost every family people have tried it or experimented with it and there is addiction all over the place.”

When asked to explain why she chooses to continue on with music and acting instead of taking a break from the spotlight, Lovato says, “Ultimately, at the end of the day, my health and my state of mind is more important than any career. But I thought, music is something that keeps me healthy and that has saved my life at one point, and I love it and I'm not going to give it up."

She hopes that by being so open with the issues she deals with and with her recovery process she can serve as a role model for others who go through similar trials, saying, “I know that if I can use my voice to speak to one person, or one family, then I've done my part. I feel like it's no coincidence that God put me through all of this and has also given me the voice that I have. I feel like my purpose on earth is much greater than just being a singer, a musician or actress. I think it's to reach out to people and to raise awareness of these issues that not many people speak about.”

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Story Highlights
  • Demi Lovato: Says her recovery from eating disorders and self harm is ongoing, and will be for the rest of her life
  • On Music: She says she considered giving it up, but said that, "music is something that keeps me healthy and that has saved my life at one point."
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