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Moving on with a Heavy Heart

answered 12:24 PM EST, Tue January 06, 2015
-- filed under:
I just recently broke up with my boyfriend who is an alcoholic. He never wanted to take ownership for anything. Why do I feel so bad for ending everything?

Jim LaPierre Says...

Hi there ad thank you for your excellent question. Short answer - you're moving on to a better life and it's very likely that he will continue to decline and have less good stuff in his life. Your ex sounds like a manipulative man who did not take accountability for his failures in the relationship. This makes closure difficulty to attain and it's very difficult to forgive someone who is not sorry. When you find yourself feeling guilty, please remind yourself that you've done nothing wrong.

As Mandy Hale said, "It is not selfish to love yourself, to take care of yourself, or to make your happiness a priority. It is necessary."

Please be extra good to you. Blessed be.

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Page last updated Jan 06, 2015

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